Even if the banks lining up for federal assistance plow government capital into loans, it won` t necessarily be enough to overcome a drop in lending. 即使获得联邦资助的银行用政府资金对外放贷,也不见得足以遏制贷款额的下滑。
There was agreement that despite the tension of recent weeks, the White House needs investors to implement its banking and housing programs, and the financial system needs the government for capital. 与会者一致认为,尽管最近几周出现紧张气氛,白宫需要投资者来实施银行和住房计划,金融体系则需要政府来获得资金。
Barclays has so far resisted taking any government capital, and is therefore expected to pay any fee for an insurance scheme in cash. 巴克莱迄今一直拒绝获取任何政府资金,由此预计会以现金形式支付保险计划费用。
This leaves one with government capital or private capital. 如此一来就只剩下政府资金或私人资金可以利用。
They are only responsible for adding value to the government capital. 他们只需负责为政府赚钱。
Under the current government capital system, there are many problems in the government-owned enterprise merger, which blocks the process of the government-owned enterprise merger. 在现行国有资产管理体制下,国有企业并购存在诸多问题,阻碍了国企并购的有效进行。
It has not been made explicit how much, but the 9 per cent tier one ratios of those banks that are receiving government capital appears to set a new minimum benchmark. 英国政府尚未明确具体标准,但得到政府资金的银行要将一级资本比率提至9%,这似乎确立了新的最低基准。
This process will increase the pressure on banks that have large loan portfolios to raise fresh funds from investors or the government if capital markets remain frozen. 这一过程将加大对那些拥有大规模贷款组合的银行的压力:如果资本市场依然冻结,它们就得从投资者或政府那里筹集新的资金。
Under Mr Ackermann, who steered the bank through the financial crisis without needing government capital, Deutsche cemented its role as a leading international investment bank. 在阿克曼的带领下,德银成功地度过了金融危机,没有让政府出资相助,并巩固了其国际领先投行的地位。
Mr Paulson defended the terms on which banks are given government capital – which bankers say are more lenient than those set by the British government. 一些银行家指出,上述银行获得美国政府注资的条款,比英国政府所定的相关条款要宽厚。保尔森就此进行了辩护。
Eurozone banks 'need for injections of government capital may be a blessing in disguise. 欧元区银行需要政府注资,可能成为一件因祸得福的事情。
The Study on the Behavior and Performance of Government Venture Capital in China 我国政府背景风险投资机构的行为与绩效研究
There is not law stipulation on the operate pattern of government capital. 对于财政资金信用担保机构采用何种方式运作并无相关法律规定。
The government should build the model of Venture Capital's establishment and operation which be led by government capital and be given first place to nongovernmental capital. 建立以政府资金为引导,民间资本为主体的风险资本筹集和运做模式;
The personality of self-generating capital, which is the real impetus of government capital on hedge appreciation, increment and greatest profits, is the owner's personality, and the exteral generating capital is the operator's personality. 内生资本人格即所有者人格,外生资本人格即经营者的人格。内生资本人格是国有资本保值、增值和利润最大化的真正动力。
Government's performance evaluation standard and index system represent quantitatively development and performance concepts, and the structure of fiscal revenue and expenditure embodies government capital expenses 'condition. 政府绩效的评价标准和指标体系是发展观和政绩观的量化表现,财政收支结构则是这种量化表现的政府资金使用体现。
The policy introduced fund based on government capital can embody the will of the government in venture investment. 以政府资本为基础的政策性引导基金便是政府在创业投资行业的意志体现。
In order to assure successful development of the system, firstly, capital system should be established, and government capital should be introduced into commercial guarantee institutions in the form of preferred stock. 为保证信用担保体系的健康发展,建议建立完善的资金支持体系,采用优先股的形式引导政府资金进入商业性担保机构;
Ac-cording to international experience, losses incurred in disposing of non-performing assets are chiefly borne by national finance, the central bank, commercial banks, capital injection by a third-party and issuing of currency. Government capital is the main source. 根据国际经验,对不良资产处置损失补偿的方式主要有国家财政承担、中央银行承担、商业银行自身承担、第三方资金注入及发行货币,其中政府资金是主要来源。
In the initial stage, government capital and social capital should be used successively in order to speed up the process, but in fast developing stage, the model which has proved to be effective in East China should adopted. 在初始阶段,政府资本与社会资本先后投入,推动高速公路建设滚动发展;在快速发展期,采用东部模式,加快高速公路建设。
On the Category of Socialist Government Capital 论社会主义国有资本范畴
Government capital investment and school management system are two factors influencing the implementation of teachers 'rights and interests. 初中教师权益实现与政府投入和学校管理制度等因素密切相关。
In order to develop socialist market economy and thrive the national business, the government capital study should be made. 发展社会主义市场经济,搞活国有企业,离不开对国有资本的研究。
In 1927, National Government capital in there, entered a new stage for The modern literature writing of Nanjing. 1927年国民政府定都南京,为现代文学的南京书写开创了新局面。
Factors of government capital support and cultural environment also has important influence on its skiing. 政府资金扶持和文化环境方面的因素对其参加滑雪运动也有重要的影响。
The analysis on financial continuable stresses the relations between government capital to necessary asset. 财务可持续分析中必须注意财政资金与必要融资的关系,强化成本回收,对项目经营者提供财务激励等问题。
Second, divide the fund sources into the government capital and the privately operated capital, and determine the city infrastructure financing direction according to the project discrimination theory. 二是将资金来源划分为政府资本和民营资本两大类,并按照项目区分理论确定了城市基础设施的融资方向。
At the same time, the results of government interference reveal: Only enhancing the government capital input in not effective to change the structure of HFS, because the performance of HFS is not sensitive to government input and most dependent on the macro health financing structure. 同时,政策干预还显示,单纯靠增加政府投入不能有效改变HFS结构,表现为HFS绩效对政府投入的不敏感性和对卫生筹资结构的高依赖性。